Study “World Class Patents in Cutting-Edge Technologies” by Bertelsmann Stiftung – Based on PatentSight’s Refined Patent Data and Scientifically Developed Quality Metrics

Bertelsmann Stiftung is a German independent foundation operating under private law to “promote science and research” among other things. Researchers at Bertelsmann Stiftung examine topics like the impact of globalization on the society in terms of the opportunities and risks it presents. It also repeatedly publishes analyses and studies on changes in the German labor market. In this study they analyse the global patent landscape looking specifically at the composition and distribution of world-class patents.
As part of its Global Economic Dynamics project, the Bertelsmann Stiftung conducts studies to contribute to Germany’s overall socio-economic welfare. While examining all aspects of the economy they approached the topic of patents with the help of a Swiss-based Economics and Technology consultancy EconSight GmbH.
In the study titled ‘Weltklassepatente in Zukunftstechnologien’ or World-class Patents in Cutting-Edge Technologies, the study analyzes the global patent portfolio from a qualitative point of view. Using LexisNexis® PatentSight® scientific portfolio strength and quality indicators, along with PatentSight® advanced patent analytics Business Intelligence software and our high-quality patent information database, EconSight analyzed the global patent landscape to arrive at the conclusions of this study.
The study begins by establishing the distinguishing features of world-class patents. The example used here is a comparison between China and Germany in relation to the countries’ portfolios in wind energy technology. It is found that while inventors in China hold 4 times more patents in sheer number as compared to Germany in this technology, 25% of German patents were classified as world-class and only about 2% of the Chinese patents were found to be of that quality.
The study goes on to analyze major countries and breakthrough technologies from a qualitative patent portfolio perspective, to find out the current situation of world-class patents in the technologies of the future.
To access the complete study in English, please click here.
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