Impact of USPTO Examiners on Prosecution Outcomes
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There is wide examiner variability at the USPTO, understanding this and how it affects the prosecution process and outcomes is of the utmost importance for patent practitioners.
Discover the impact of the type of examiner by exploring important milestones in the life cycle of a U.S. patent application through historical trends and counter-intuitive results.
In this on-demand webinar, we quantify the impact of having an “easy” versus a “difficult” examiner assigned to your application. Some examiners consistently require twice as much effort as others, even within the same technology areas.
Watch this on-demand webinar where as our experts discuss:
- How the type of examiner you are assigned to can dramatically affect your ability to successfully obtain a patent
- Practical implications for your prosecution strategy dependent on the examiner type you are assigned
- Leveraging in-depth patent analytics to predict examiner behavior
View the Impact of USPTO Examiners on Prosecution Outcomes
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LexisNexis PatentAdvisor® is the market-leading examiner analytics and predictive prosecution platform enabling transparency, certainty, and improved client outcomes. Get behavioral insights to help make effective prosecution decisions, manage stakeholders’ expectations, and support the patent professionals’ transition to a “strategic business partner”.
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- Access reliable examiner statistics directly in USPTO’s PAIR and Patent Center with the PatentAdvisor Extension.
- Positively influence the likelihood and the time it takes to get your patent approved with the Tech Center Navigator (formerly PathWays™).
- Monitor your patent application status with LexisNexis® PAIR Watch.