Bridging the Gap Part 1: Insights From SEP Declaration Data
The wide use of connectivity technologies makes owning as well as licensing-in Standards Essential Patents (SEPs) crucial across industries. Consequently, an IP strategy for connectivity is much more than just about prosecution and enforcement. An organization’s patenting activities must consider standards-development activities as well as the use of third-party IP. However, it is highly challenging to align patent portfolio development and patent licensing initiatives with R&D and standards developing goals. The solution to deal with such challenges is a systematic data-driven approach that allows competitor monitoring, patent valuation, patent mapping to standards, testing a portfolio across multiple metrics to identify potential value as well as the identification of new standards projects. Multidimensional access to declared SEPs, pooled patents, litigation info, standards contributions and standard documents data empowers stakeholders to be part of the discussion and have a seat at the table when setting standards, developing SEP portfolios, licensing patents, and forming pools. Companies can utilize a combination of analytics and advanced decision-making processes to improve their return on invested capital for their SEP portfolios or to prepare to license-in standardized technologies subject to SEPs.
Most standards developing organizations IP policies require companies to declare all patents that they believe could be essential to the standard they develop. Databases of so called declared patents are however not easy to retrieve interpret and use for decision making. Declaration data is often disconnected from patent information as well as data about standards documents. The biggest challenge however is that the essentiality of these patents is not determined. This webinar series we answered all your questions about:
- How to retrieve declared SEP data
- Which SSOs provide SEP data for which standards?
- Patent declaration enhancement, bridging the gab to patent data
- Pitfalls when counting patent declarations
- Patent declarations and essentiality tests – Claim Chart Sampling
- Patent declarations and essentiality tests – Essentiality Prediction
- How to leverage access to patents and standards data cross-departmental?
View the slides
Watch the other videos in the Bridging the Gap series:
- Bridging the Gap Part 2: Generating Insights from Licensing and Litigation Data
- Bridging the Gap Part 3: Generating Insights from Standards Contribution Data

Need to Navigate the World of Standard Essential Patents and Standards’ Contributions?
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